'New Beginnings'

4:53:00 PM

'New Beginnings' are quite something.

It is full of hope, dreams and a little bit of doubt, most of the time.  

Just a few months ago, when I was feeling rather uncertain about my life and my work, I spoke to a mentor of mine who asked me what my goals in life were. I nervously told him about what I think I wanted, out of my life and my career. I told him about things that I have always thought about as a child growing up, especially my goals during my teenage years. It was mostly fleeting thoughts that I thought about, but never actioned. Everything I could think about on the spot, I told him. Then he told me to go back, and write them down on paper. A five year plan, he called it. 
So I did.

After a while of writing things down, crossing them out and writing them down again, I find that what I really want in life is mobility. My partner and I have discussed about this endlessly as he is currently travelling heaps between Tasmania and Sydney while I am based in Sydney, we both felt that being able to be mobile is important for the both of us.
Ultimately, I want to eventually have the skills to work remotely. Whether or not I end up working in a remote beach block with a G&T next to me when I'm 35, I have decided that is what I am going to work towards to. Thus, I’ve decided that establishing myself a blog would be perfect for documenting that process! 
So guys, I hope you’ll bear with me on my journey to discover myself, life, love and much more exciting things through this blog/online platform

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